Pre-Op Instructions for Dental Implant Surgery

Dental Implant Surgery Bakersfield, CA

More and more people are considering dental implants surgery these days in order to replace teeth that are missing. While the procedure is relatively straightforward, invasive surgery is required to efficiently place the implants. It is helpful to be aware of the pre-op instructions for the procedure.

Patients who are considering dental implants or have surgery scheduled may want to familiarize themselves with the pre-op instructions. These can help a patient prepare and know what to expect from the procedure, which can make it go smoother before and after.

Preparing for dental implant surgery

Ultimately, it is best to consult with the oral surgeon or dentist prior to dental implantssurgery so that they can give specific instructions. Each patient is different, meaning that everyone’s pre-op instructions may differ slightly. The following is a list of general pre-op instructions for most dental implant surgery.

Making necessary arrangements

One of the most important things to do prior to dental implant surgery is to make necessary arrangements for after the surgery is complete. Having everything set up completed prior to the procedure will ensure that afterward goes smoothly. Because surgery is involved for dental implant placement, it is necessary to have someone pick the patient up and take them home once the procedure is completed.

Another thing to do pre-op is to prepare to take a few days off, whether that be from work or just one's personal life. Pets should be cared for by someone else and work should be put on hold for a few days. Setting this up before the procedure will help to make the process after the surgery easier.

Determine sedation

Patients should decide on the method of sedation, because this can significantly impact how pre-op goes. People who opt for a heavier method of sedation will not be able to eat or drink anything for six hours prior to the surgery. However, when opting for local anesthesia as sedation, then eating and drinking are usually okay.

Considering comfort

When going in for dental implant surgery, prepare by wearing comfortable shoes and clothes. Although most people receive sedation, the surgery does take some time. Before and after the surgery will be more comfortable if the patient is wearing comfortable and loose-fitting clothes.

Staying aware of any other abnormalities

Life happens and people get sick during the most unexpected times. A good pre-op instruction is to be aware. If a patient is experiencing symptoms of illness or other issues, whether that is a headache or an intense cough, then it is best to consult with the oral surgeon. Sometimes dental implant surgeries will be put on hold until the patient is 100% healthy in order to avoid any risk of infection.


Are you considering dental implant surgery? It is important to know all about the pre-op instructions when preparing for the procedure. If you have questions about instructions prior to surgery, then reach out to the dentist to make sure you understand everything the procedure entails.

Request an appointment here: or call Brimhall Dental Group at (661) 249-1122 for an appointment in our Bakersfield office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implant Surgery in Bakersfield, CA.

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