Visit Brimhall Dental Group to Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic DentistryTo learn more about cosmetic dentistry and how cosmetic improvements can better your smile, visit us at our office. If you are interested in the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, you are probably unhappy with one or more aspects of your teeth. We can provide changes, big or small, to enhance your smile, making it the most beautiful it has ever been.

We provide many improvement routes to correct teeth that are discolored, chipped, misaligned, too large or too small, or gapped. If you want to have your teeth reshaped, straightened, whitened, or entirely restored, we can help. Not only will our cosmetic improvements make your smile more attractive, but they will also improve your dental health.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures We Offer

We offer a long list of cosmetic treatments and procedures to drastically change your smile for the better. Our most common improvements and repairs are teeth whitening, dental bonding, crowns, and porcelain veneers. We also offer reshaping services and contouring for teeth with jagged edges or uneven areas.

Teeth Whitening

This common cosmetic dentistry practice is used to improve the color of yellow or discolored teeth. Stained teeth develop for a variety of reasons, including medication, tobacco use, coffee, wine, and other dark-colored foods and drinks. Teeth whitening may require a few treatments before the results are as white as the patient desires. This treatment can whiten teeth just a few shades or remove stains altogether. If the patient's teeth are discolored for other reasons not related to the enamel, we can provide different forms of cosmetic improvement to change their color and appearance.

Dental Bonding

Our bonding is an affordable way to produce subtle changes. If the patient has minor tooth chips or cracks, gaps, or spots, our dental bonding can cover these problems. Bonding begins as a liquid substance that we brush over the problematic area. We will then shape the substance and cure it until it hardens to a tooth-like consistency. Bonding can be blended with the exact color of the teeth and provide durable coverage of flaws for years.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns cover vulnerable teeth that have extensive decay or damage, after removing the decay. Crowns can also improve color, shape, and length of teeth. Our crowns are tooth-colored and long-lasting.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a commonly requested cosmetic dentistry procedure that covers a vast array of flaws on the front teeth. Veneers are thin shells glued to the fronts of teeth with dental adhesive for coverage of:

  • chips or cracks
  • discoloration
  • ddly shaped teeth
  • gapped front teeth
  • crooked teeth
  • uneven or damaged enamel

Veneers may take more than one visit to our office to create and apply, but they provide a perfect result. To learn more about cosmetic dentistry options, call or visit. When you want to perfect your teeth, we can make it happen. We offer many other cosmetic improvement options in addition to the ones listed above, including contouring techniques that can alter the length, position, and shape of your teeth. You can also combine two or more of the cosmetic dentistry procedures to produce teeth that look naturally beautiful.

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